Key to Happiness

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God felt lonely and wanted to find companionship. So, he decided to create beings that could keep him company. But one day, these beings found the key to happiness by following the path to the Divine and thus merged with Him. God was left sad, alone once again. He pondered. He thought it was time … Read more

The Captive Sea

An invisible all-powerful being named Nokuma created the world… When land and sea were created, Nokuma took a bit of soil and seawater and made the first man. Then he made the woman. They were the ancestors of all people. Creation myth of the Southern California Indians Many millions of years ago, the waters of … Read more

What is it that they call Tao?

The concept of Tao is a Chinese term that means path or way. Teacher Lao Tzu said, “A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step.” Tao is best represented through stories. What is this thing called Tao? – A fish in the ocean. Once upon a time, a young fish asked an … Read more