Can the end justify the means?

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It is often said that the end justifies the means when emphasizing the importance of the final result regardless of how it is achieved, as if the nature of our actions is completely irrelevant compared to the ultimate outcome. Sometimes it is used to justify unethical acts in an effort to achieve a righteous goal … Read more

Man and Death

“Who teaches about dying, teaches about living.” – Michel de Montaigne “Where do we come from and where are we going? This question seems to reverberate from the depths of ancient times to our present day, leaving us equally amazed and confused, just as the first humans likely were. Across different regions and throughout different … Read more

Philosophy for Life

Philosophy for life Talking about life, about living, about a philosophy for life is becoming increasingly important today because, unfortunately, we have become accustomed to daily news of destruction, death, and suffering. Faced with this avalanche that is approaching us, it is necessary to once again emphasize the importance of life. That is what I … Read more