Waiting for the raft…

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There was a man who ardently desired to learn levitation. He secluded himself in the forest for forty years, practiced diligently, and truly learned. One day, by the riverbank, he saw a teacher surrounded by students waiting for a ferryman to cross to the other side. Recognizing the man as a great teacher, he swiftly … Read more

Temporal Cycles – The Rhythm of Historical Time

ve promjene možemo očekivati. Slično tome, želimo pronaći zakonitosti u društvu i povijesti koje će nam omogućiti razumijevanje trenutnih promjena i predviđanje budućnosti. Mnogi ljudi se tada okreću politici, ideologiji ili religiji kako bi pronašli smisao i stabilnost u svijetu koji se mijenja. Ti sustavi nude svojevrsni okvir u kojem se mogu povezati s drugima … Read more

Philosophy of the Upanishads

According to Indian tradition, their authors were ancient sages, known as rishis, whose wisdom was transmitted orally from teacher to student. This is indicated by the very word upa-ni-sad, upa (beside), ni (down), sad (to sit), which signifies a student sitting at the feet of a teacher and receiving his teachings. Another interpretation takes the … Read more