The Story of the Doll

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Legend has it that Franz Kafka encountered a little girl in the park where he walked every day. The girl was crying. She had lost her doll and was inconsolable. Kafka offered to help her find the doll, so they agreed to meet at the same spot the next day. Since he didn’t find the … Read more

Why can’t we express what we think and feel?

One of the many paradoxes in which we live is that in the age of mass and rapid communication, we humans have more and more problems in communicating. Today, in a matter of hours, sometimes minutes, we can find out what is happening on the other side of the country. News arrives at full speed; … Read more

Human and Digital Connections

There is no doubt about the positive effects of modern technology. The ability to build global networks, maintain long-distance friendships, and communicate quickly with multiple people at once are just some of its advantages. However, research has shown a sad truth; in the last two decades, despite having many friends on social media, our circle … Read more