Heliopolis Ennead

It contains an image related to the title of Heliopolis Ennead

In Heliopolis (Egyptian Annu), the city of the Sun god-creator, an important Egyptian religious center, the so-called Pyramid Texts were found, inscribed inside the royal pyramids of the V and VI dynasties. They originate from the middle of the third millennium BC and are among the oldest known religious literary works. These writings consist of … Read more


Anubis resides in the region of the mummy, The overseer of the Divine house, he lays his hands upon the Lord of life and ensures everything he needs. . . Despite our lack of understanding of the mysterious land of Kem (Egypt), we have always been drawn to its secrets. These include, of course, pyramids, … Read more

Winter Solstice

Dies Natalis Solis Invicti – Birthday of the Invincible Sun We are part of nature and what happens in it necessarily affects us humans. Nature expresses its laws through phenomena that are both events and symbols. Many myths, legends, and still living customs of the people speak about them and explain how humans are connected … Read more

Myth of Osiris

This is a universal myth that relates to the immortality of the soul and the existence of a cosmic destiny in which man should consciously and actively participate. The ancient Egyptian religion is one of the most comprehensive and best-known religions today, although this knowledge is superficial. However, since every historical moment has different symbolism … Read more

The Eye of Horus

The eye is more than a sensory organ; it is the most precious human instrument through which reality is perceived in its widest form. It is often said that the eyes are the windows to the soul and that a single glance speaks more than a thousand words. Through the eyes, a person sees beyond … Read more