
It contains an image related to the title of Parsifal

In his over fifty-year-long career as an opera composer, Richard Wagner (1813-1883) left an extraordinary mark, provoking immense reactions even during his lifetime. He primarily provoked them through his efforts to restore opera to its true meaning, as opera of his time had entered a period of content and formal decadence and had become a … Read more

Dragons and Snakes in Traditions

Dragons are common motifs in myths, legends, and folklore of many ancient cultures. They are usually depicted as serpent-like or reptilian creatures, with elongated bodies covered in scales, large wings and eyes, and the ability to breathe fire. They represent certain qualities and strengths that humans need to express, certain trials or limitations that need … Read more

Star Wars – From Hope to Awakening…

George Lucas Dreams are extremely important; nothing can be accomplished without first envisioning it. George Lucas This is what Goethe said in Faust, and what Lucas knew how to express in modern language: the message that technology will not save us. Our computers, our tools, our machines are not enough. We need to rely on … Read more