
It contains an image related to the title of Obsidian

Thermal processes occurring deep inside the Earth manifest on the surface through volcanoes. Volcanoes, due to their terrifying destructive power, have found their place in the myths of many ancient peoples, so the very name “volcano” is associated with the name of the Roman god of fire. Volcanic eruptions bring valuable minerals to the surface, … Read more


“Like the Sun, like the Moon, like water, like gold, be clear and radiant and reflect what you carry in your heart.” (inscription on a Chinese mirror) The mirror, today just an everyday object, has always been a part of myths, legends, and children’s stories. It appears as a magical mirror that can show images … Read more

Olive tree in Athens

Olive, Latin name Olea europaea L., is an evergreen tree of Mediterranean origin, but it is also cultivated in regions with similar climates, such as California, South Africa, and Australia. Today, there are over a thousand different varieties known. In the Mediterranean region, among the shrubby vegetation of maquis, wild olives with thorny branches and … Read more