Man – Image of the Universe

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In the 19th and first half of the 20th century, there was a belief that a lot was known about ancient Egypt. A comprehensive image was formed of an infantile civilization with a typical slave-based system, fanatically inhumane religiousness that favored totemism, worshiped animals, and glorified death. Many generations of children were raised with such … Read more

Rise Towards the Inner Summit

“Adopt the rhythm of nature: patience is its secret.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nature always awakens in us a sense of awe and admiration with its unparalleled beauty, mysterious principles, and enigmatic laws that govern the universe.” “For ancient Greek philosophers, especially the pre-Socratics, it is said that they lived with a deep sense of this … Read more

Ahimsa – The Idea of Nonviolence

Using a spinning wheel for cotton processing, Gandhi advocated for the revival of traditional Indian crafts and the economic independence of villages. Sabarmati, also known as Gandhi’s ashram, Harijan ashram, or satyagraha ashram, is located in the outskirts of Ahmadabad, on the western bank of the Sabarmati river. The ashram was founded at this location … Read more