How did Zen arrive in Japan?

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Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more

Martian arts

The concept of martial arts is usually associated with numerous combat techniques that come from the Far East. Their historical origin is the ancient martial art of the Indian kshatriyas (warriors), known as Kalari Payit, which was brought to China by the legendary Bodhidharma as a form of exercise for Shaolin monks. This gave rise … Read more