Temporal Cycles – The Rhythm of Historical Time

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ve promjene možemo očekivati. Slično tome, želimo pronaći zakonitosti u društvu i povijesti koje će nam omogućiti razumijevanje trenutnih promjena i predviđanje budućnosti. Mnogi ljudi se tada okreću politici, ideologiji ili religiji kako bi pronašli smisao i stabilnost u svijetu koji se mijenja. Ti sustavi nude svojevrsni okvir u kojem se mogu povezati s drugima … Read more

Mythical History of Humanity

If we look at the myths left by different nations of humanity about the origin and evolution of man, the similarities we find are surprising, even among peoples who lived in such distant areas as Mesopotamia and South America. In this article, we will highlight the most significant of these similarities, with the intention of … Read more

Myths about the flood

Myth is not a collection of invented events, but carries within it a certain idea related to humans and nature. In order to understand it, it is necessary to penetrate its complex symbolic language which contains multiple meanings. The myth of the Great Flood is present in various forms in almost all religious systems. In … Read more

Myth of Osiris

This is a universal myth that relates to the immortality of the soul and the existence of a cosmic destiny in which man should consciously and actively participate. The ancient Egyptian religion is one of the most comprehensive and best-known religions today, although this knowledge is superficial. However, since every historical moment has different symbolism … Read more

American Stone Age

For a long time, it was believed that the American continent was uninhabited until about 11,500 years ago when Asian and Siberian tribes, following mammoths in hunting, crossed the Bering Strait, which became passable during the Ice Age. According to genetic analysis, present-day Native American tribes are indeed direct descendants of Asian tribes. However, genetic … Read more