Megalith I – God

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ednost megalita širom svijeta i njihova prisutnost na različitim kontinentima nas podsjeća na njihovu važnost u drevnim civilizacijama. Njihova nepoznata namjena i tajanstvena starost ostaju enigma, a stručnjaci i javnost neprestano istražuju i raspravljaju o njima. Bez obzira na mjesto njihovog pojavljivanja, megaliti ostaju značajni tragovi koji nam otkrivaju prošlost čovječanstva. The phenomenon of megalithic … Read more

Greek Mysteries

Although we know a lot about art, philosophy, medicine, mathematics, and other sciences of ancient Greece, the cradle of Western culture and civilization, in the depths of time lies the heart of ancient Greece from which everything we know about this culture was born, and those are the mysteries. Almost all great artists, playwrights, philosophers, … Read more

Lares and Penates – the protective spirits of ancient Rome

“The most ancient is closest to the gods.” Cicero When we think of Roman religion, we usually picture magnificent temples, splendid statues of deities, and adorned streets filled with processions in honor of the gods of the Roman pantheon… However, all of these magnificent scenes do not fit within the framework of early Roman religion … Read more