Phoenicians – The Seafaring People

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…they built for you a fleet of senile cypresses, they took the cedar of Lebanon, raised masts for you; they carved oars for you out of oak wood from Bashan, they made a deck for you from ivory and ebony from the Kitian islands! They made your sails from Egyptian linen, embroidered. And they adorned … Read more

Spartan Teaching on Fear

Sparta has always been considered a special form of Greek culture. Unlike their Greek counterparts, who are remembered for their masterpieces of art and philosophy, Spartans are remembered for their unique way of life. Warfare, the pursuit of honor, courage, and the desire to be better enabled Sparta to be the leading power in the … Read more

Socrates’ Friendship

Many people have remained recorded in history because of great deeds that made them famous. Some became famous for their heroism, others for their artistic abilities, third for their new inventions, fourth for social and political reforms, fifth for their religiosity, but few have enriched the world with “ordinariness” and simplicity. One of them, and … Read more