What does God actually do?
“Some say, ‘Everything!’ Others say, ‘Nothing!’ Nietzsche said, ‘He is dead!’ Atheists say, ‘He doesn’t exist at all!’ Perhaps the question should be posed in a different way: not, what does God do, but rather what does He do with us? I tried to find Him on the cross of Christians, but He wasn’t there. … Read more
It is Not About Creating Antibodies
We live in a polluted world and we have become accustomed to it. The level of environmental pollution is increasing day by day, especially in big cities. Since we cannot leave them because we are still anchored to them by obligations, we have simply started adapting to such a situation. Our bodies produce antibodies and … Read more
To watch, not to see
Watching, not seeing We live in a polluted world and we have become accustomed to it. The level of environmental pollution is increasing day by day, especially in large cities. As we cannot leave them because we are tied to them by our obligations, we have simply adapted to this situation. Our bodies have developed … Read more