Art and Beauty

Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective.
What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute in moments of solitude, or passes at dusk beneath the columns of Karnak, or is immersed in the verses of Ruben Dario? Art obviously speaks to us in a different language that cannot be rationally analyzed.
Nevertheless, it is deeply rooted in human nature; through art, we both give and receive. Although it is necessary to awaken a certain inner feeling in order to see and hear the hidden secret to which it leads us, penetrating its essence and the essence of beauty, delving into human nature through philosophical contemplation can lead us to harmony, open up the possibility of understanding and perceiving these inner feelings or feelings of the soul.
The twentieth century was a great alchemical furnace. Transformation, but the rapid pace of many changes has prevented their assimilation. Too often we have wanted to live a sense of grandeur solely through creativity and uniqueness that breaks away from everything and seeks to justify itself. Many old forms have been shattered, but with the shattered molds of old forms, the principles and ideas inherent to humans have also been discarded.

A multitude of currents intertwined the tapestry of the last century. Many great artists went unnoticed, while others managed to break through the dense consumer society, however, unfortunately, extreme relativism prevailed, causing art to lose meaning and purpose, to detach from beauty. This loss of purpose has outweighed healthy relativity, turning into absolute relativism, where everything is justified in the name of originality. But what if originality and beauty were to unite?

Art as a noble expression, felt today by so many unknown artists, needs to rediscover its identity.

If it is true that art It is necessary to have a dynamic flexibility in what is alive, with many relative and subjective elements. It is also true that art should overcome the ambiguous discourse of demagogy, the need to please the whole world by not saying anything other than vague things that aim to satisfy everyone without committing to anything.

However, nothing is further from ambiguity than artistic creation that is united with the aesthetic aspirations of the author, whether liked by consumer society or not.

Today, there are emerging young souls who, freed from limitations, want to create new art and fill it with content rooted in the deepest and most beautiful aspects of human nature.

Art as a path to intuition

In the long journey of the development of human thought on art, it has always been clear that the language of art is intuitive and does not belong to the rational. Since the time of classical philosophy, art has been considered one of the pillars of culture, alongside politics, science, and religion. The four sides of the pyramid of civilization consist of science, politics, art, and religion. Science is predominantly characterized by rationality. Politics, as the application of laws, organization, justice, is also rational. Both rely more on logical and conceptual connections, although they also require an intuitive aspect to be complete. Modern neuroscience associates them with the left hemisphere of the brain, which is more focused on analysis, logic, etc.
In contrast, art and religion are more intuitive. They are said to connect humans with ideas without the intervention of thought or reason, which are the foundations of intellect. They achieve this through allegory, symbolism, and imagery. Following the research in modern neuroscience, they are more connected to the function of the right, more creative hemisphere of the brain that synthesizes and utilizes images and symbols.

Therefore, art within us evokes elements that enable us to see better through impressions than to understand through concepts. Hence, this path is sometimes much closer to feelings and sensibility. rather than thinking and understanding.

Defining intuition is challenging because it is abstract, and Western languages, inundated with technical and commercial terms, have lost the ability to express deep and subtle nuances. Thus, intuition is experienced as a form of expressing ideas in the world of imagination through resonance and analogy.

Plato spoke of how contemplation of beauty invokes our inner beauty and connects us with the archetype or idea of Beauty to the extent that we have awakened our inner perception. This ability of resonance, communicating beings through similar harmonies, unites the inner with the outer, form with loftier thoughts.

This characteristic gives art immense plasticity and great communicative power, making it naturally approachable to a large number of people who possess a certain sensibility.

It is necessary to distinguish sensitivity from sentimentality. Sentimentality speaks of weakness in the face of feelings or emotions. Oh, about sensitivity entrusted to impulses, devoid of will and intelligence, while sensibility speaks of the ability to react in encounters with the aesthetic, harmonious, or good, about possessing a willing soul and alert inner senses.