How did Zen arrive in Japan?

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Japanu je mjesto gdje se prakticira zen budizam. U Japanu ima trinaest različitih budističkih škola, svaka sa svojim hramovima, svećenicima i brojnim sljedbenicima. Te škole uključuju tendai, shingon, rinzai, jodo, nichiren, soto, obaku, ritsu, juzu-nenbucu, hosso, kegon i ji-shu. Od tih trinaest škola, tri su povezane sa zen budizmom: rinzai, soto i obaku. Riječ “zen” … Read more

Who was Buddha?

Foundations of Mahayana Buddhism One of the leading authorities on Buddhist philosophy and one of the most influential figures in popularizing interest in Zen Buddhism in the West in the 1950s was Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870 – 1966), a former professor of Buddhist philosophy at Otani University in Kyoto. He was the first great Asian … Read more