What does God actually do?

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“Some say, ‘Everything!’ Others say, ‘Nothing!’ Nietzsche said, ‘He is dead!’ Atheists say, ‘He doesn’t exist at all!’ Perhaps the question should be posed in a different way: not, what does God do, but rather what does He do with us? I tried to find Him on the cross of Christians, but He wasn’t there. … Read more

Spinoza – the destiny of a philosopher

What philosophy is and what possible benefits it can provide for modern individuals is not very obvious and understandable today. However, if we study it with a bit of humility, we will be able to see in it the original spirit of the search for wisdom. This means changing oneself, despite uncertainty and fear, developing … Read more

Gnostics – Part II

Cosmological doctrines The great diversity in gnostic views of the world may be a result of the primary focus on gnosis, which penetrates to the essence, while faith deals more with external matters and therefore provides a lower level of knowledge. Respecting knowledge (gnosis) greatly, gnostics associated faith (pistis) with the ignorance of laypeople and … Read more