Meeting of Cultures Throughout Time

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“The pursuit of knowledge and discovery is the joy and right of humanity.” – Alexander von Humboldt “The exploration of encounters between nations, the interaction of different cultures, sometimes thousands of kilometers apart, is one of the most exciting branches of science.” “Cultures have always communicated with each other. Communication between cultures allows for new … Read more

Library Interior

In ancient cultures, libraries were special places where a large number of selected and carefully preserved manuscripts, symbolic representations, and maps, written or engraved on different materials, were stored. They were usually part of a much larger separate complex within the city center for which we do not have a unique name today. These kind … Read more

Tolkien’s Song of the Ainur

“Inspired by old legends of northern Europe, Celtic mythology, ancient Nordic sagas, stories of Viking voyages, as well as ancient languages, writing, and symbols of the northern peoples, J.R.R. Tolkien began outlining a great prose epic in his youth, which would much later be named The Silmarillion. He worked on refining the initial versions of … Read more