Laws of nature

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Isn’t it obvious that there is, or rather, that there must be a “cosmic intelligence” that acts in everything, even in what is invisible and incomprehensible to us? There is, therefore, a plan of action that is manifested in a universal Law… This Law or set of laws is also called the “meaning of life”; … Read more

Ancient India – Learning about Reincarnation

The concept of death has always been associated with the mystery of life: an enigmatic cause, an unknown purpose, and countless paths that can lead a person to that purpose. Throughout history, people have questioned the meaning of their own existence, and the inevitable phenomenon of parting with life has represented an important unknown in … Read more

Ahimsa – The Idea of Nonviolence

Using a spinning wheel for cotton processing, Gandhi advocated for the revival of traditional Indian crafts and the economic independence of villages. Sabarmati, also known as Gandhi’s ashram, Harijan ashram, or satyagraha ashram, is located in the outskirts of Ahmadabad, on the western bank of the Sabarmati river. The ashram was founded at this location … Read more