Body and Soul of Beauty

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An artist knows that beauty creates an atmosphere that contributes to elevating a person from an animal state to a humane being. However, the beauty of form must not be empty, hollow, as the power of beauty can be used for seduction, for masking weaknesses or corruption of character in a world that only indulges … Read more


Thermal processes occurring deep inside the Earth manifest on the surface through volcanoes. Volcanoes, due to their terrifying destructive power, have found their place in the myths of many ancient peoples, so the very name “volcano” is associated with the name of the Roman god of fire. Volcanic eruptions bring valuable minerals to the surface, … Read more

Shell – a miraculous work of nature

If we notice a shell on the shore, drawn by an irresistible magnetism, we bend down, take it in our hands, touch it like a flower, observe it as a precious treasure, and feeling the call of mystery, we return it to the sea or, in the desire to possess a piece of beauty, we … Read more