Sunny deities

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They rightfully call it the light, reason, ruler of the universe. Hermes Trismegistus names it the visible god, and Sophocles’ Electra says it is all-seeing. Thus the Sun sits on the royal throne, ruling over its children, the planets that orbit around it… Nikola Copernicus From an early age, people of the 21st century learn … Read more

Corpus Hermeticum – The Wisdom of Hermes Trismegistus

The Egyptian god Thoth is depicted in the form of a baboon. The Renaissance is considered the beginning of modern science, science based on the intellectual efforts of man-scientists. Interestingly, and usually not emphasized, it is strongly marked by a published doctrine – hermetism. The doctrine attributed to Hermes Trismegistus, the legendary Egyptian sage, which … Read more

Albert the Great

The divine truth lies beyond the reach of our understanding, we ourselves cannot attain it until it decides to reveal itself; for as Augustine says, it is that inner teacher without whom the external teacher strives futilely. Although the Middle Ages are described as a dark age, marked by a lack of universal orientation and … Read more