Carl Gustav Jung – On Becoming a Personality

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The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung is considered the founder of analytical psychology, whose interest did not stop at theoretical psychology and clinical practice, but extended to alchemy, mysticism, Eastern and Western philosophy, astrology, and many other areas that could provide answers to questions about the meaning of human existence. Because of this, the life … Read more

Kronos and Kairos – two perspectives on time

“When God created time, he said nothing about hurry, African proverb says. However, regardless of that, the fact is that time escapes us. We suffer from a chronic lack of time. Our time is measured by a chronometer, or a clock, while in other cultures time was weighed, which was the task of Kairos, the … Read more

Albert Schweitzer – Call for Peace

Albert Schweitzer – Invitation to Peace The astonishing development of science and technology has led to material prosperity in every aspect of human life. Unfortunately, this progress has also been accompanied by the development of warfare to unimaginable scales. The arms race between the leading world powers has resulted in the total amount of nuclear … Read more