Collection of Iranian Jewels

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The Iranian Treasury of National Jewels is one of the world’s largest collections of precious gemstones available for public viewing. It is a collection of crown jewels of Iranian rulers, gathered over the past five centuries, reminiscent in its scope of treasures described in legends and fairy tales like Arabian Nights. It is now housed … Read more

Chinese Porcelain

In all ancient cultures of the world, ceramic objects of very beautiful shapes and decorations were made, but nowhere except in China did ceramic production lead to the production of porcelain. Europe first encountered porcelain in the 11th-12th century through trade connections with the Far East. The rare and exotic porcelain items thrilled Europeans with … Read more


Thermal processes occurring deep inside the Earth manifest on the surface through volcanoes. Volcanoes, due to their terrifying destructive power, have found their place in the myths of many ancient peoples, so the very name “volcano” is associated with the name of the Roman god of fire. Volcanic eruptions bring valuable minerals to the surface, … Read more

“Letters from Father to Son”

The following text is written on ancient Sumerian clay tablets, dating back to approximately 1600 BC, although the original text is believed to be several centuries older. Through a conversation between a father and a son, one of the eternal human themes is explored – relevant both today and in ancient Sumer – the relationship … Read more