Erich Fromm – To Have or to Be?

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“If my sense of identity is based on what I have, on possession, if I can say ‘I am what I have,’ then the question arises ‘what am I if I lose what I have?’, stated Erich Fromm, a psychoanalyst and philosopher, in a 1976 interview, upon the publication of his book “To Have or … Read more

The noble spirit of competition

The Olympic Games are always an opportunity to reconnect with the spirit of this most significant sports event, which once had a different purpose than it does today. There is still debate about when they originated, although the majority of historical sources agree that the first Olympic Games of the ancient world were held in … Read more

Apollonius – On Harmony

Apolonius – On Harmony Apolonius of Tyana was a Greek philosopher, neoplatonic, teacher, and mystic from the 1st century. Throughout his life, he received knowledge from wise people he encountered and visited on his numerous journeys, and he himself became a renowned teacher. He would teach and advise those who were willing to listen on … Read more