Tibetan Bardo Worlds

It contains an image related to the title of Tibetan Bardo Worlds

What do the living need to learn? The content of the text, connected at first glance primarily to the concept of physical death and reincarnation, presents the so-called bardo teachings that speak of bardo states or bardo realms. The Tibetan term bar-do literally means “between two” and signifies a transitional, transient, or uncertain state through … Read more

Who was Buddha?

Foundations of Mahayana Buddhism One of the leading authorities on Buddhist philosophy and one of the most influential figures in popularizing interest in Zen Buddhism in the West in the 1950s was Daisetz Teitaro Suzuki (1870 – 1966), a former professor of Buddhist philosophy at Otani University in Kyoto. He was the first great Asian … Read more