Sappho – The Tenth Muse

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In Mitilene [on the island of Lesbos] there is abundance of everything. It has also given birth to famous individuals like Pittacus, one of the Seven Sages, the poet Alcaeus, and others. At the same time, Sappho flourished, who was something extraordinary; as far as memory goes, no other period had a woman who could … Read more

Megalith I – God

ednost megalita širom svijeta i njihova prisutnost na različitim kontinentima nas podsjeća na njihovu važnost u drevnim civilizacijama. Njihova nepoznata namjena i tajanstvena starost ostaju enigma, a stručnjaci i javnost neprestano istražuju i raspravljaju o njima. Bez obzira na mjesto njihovog pojavljivanja, megaliti ostaju značajni tragovi koji nam otkrivaju prošlost čovječanstva. The phenomenon of megalithic … Read more

Olive tree in Athens

Olive, Latin name Olea europaea L., is an evergreen tree of Mediterranean origin, but it is also cultivated in regions with similar climates, such as California, South Africa, and Australia. Today, there are over a thousand different varieties known. In the Mediterranean region, among the shrubby vegetation of maquis, wild olives with thorny branches and … Read more