Toltecs – Guardians of the Ancient Mexican Tradition

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The Mexican plateau is a land of volcanoes and lakes, desert areas and fertile valleys. The Valley of Mexico is located in the southern part of the plateau, at an altitude of about 2200 meters above sea level, surrounded by mountains of volcanic origin whose altitude reaches up to 5000 meters. This area has been … Read more

Phoenicians – The Seafaring People

…they built for you a fleet of senile cypresses, they took the cedar of Lebanon, raised masts for you; they carved oars for you out of oak wood from Bashan, they made a deck for you from ivory and ebony from the Kitian islands! They made your sails from Egyptian linen, embroidered. And they adorned … Read more

Plotinus – The Founder of the Neoplatonic School

Plotinus’ era coincides with the beginning of the end of ancient civilization and the formation of Christianity. In the vast Roman Empire, the internal impulse that drove it was gradually fading away, leading to spiritual upheaval and the emergence of numerous sects. The mysterious centers of knowledge that were the driving force behind ancient culture … Read more

Hidden Motives of Despair

A Bit of History Let’s turn our gaze back; let’s go back about thirty-two centuries. In a part of Asia Minor, present-day Turkey, there was a great city that we will later recognize as Troy. In this great city lived brave people who were attacked by others, equally brave people. There was a battle, conflict, … Read more