Nok Ceramics

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The African continent is full of traces of numerous cultures that are little known, but their heritage hints at their former greatness. Nok is one such culture. It was located in present-day Nigeria, between the Niger and Benue rivers. It is believed to have lasted from 500 BC to 200 AD. It was named after … Read more

World of the Aborigines

The heritage and culture of the Aboriginal people are among the oldest in the world. Rock drawings and engravings near Olary in South Australia are 34,000 years old. Aboriginal people believe they have been living on the continent since the beginning of time. After Europeans discovered Australia, the number of Aboriginal people has been steadily … Read more


The Bandiagara Escarpment with its rocky ridge is one of the most impressive geological formations in Western Africa. The escarpment is located in Mali, south of the Sahara and the ancient city of Timbuktu, and adjacent to the ridge that runs parallel to the Niger River are the fortified settlements of the Dogon people. According … Read more