The central temple of the sacred complex in Tikal
Who will be the Prophet, who will be the Priest-Cult-Sun’s, who will interpret the truth of the words of these hieroglyphic signs?! Chilam Balam
It was not long ago, perhaps a little over a century and a half, that the modern world began to understand the values of the achievements of the ancient American cultures, among which one of the most important is the Maya in Central America.
Step pyramid from Palenque
Step pyramid from Palenque – cross-section.
Temple of the Inscription
The famous step pyramid from Palenque is attributed to the most famous Maya ruler, Pakal the Great, the Sun’s Shield, who in the 7th century brought that city to the peak of its splendor during the classical period of exceptional architecture and numerous written monuments.
The pyramid has nine levels, and besides the beautiful hieroglyphic inscriptions on the walls, as well as numerous discovered objects made of obsidian, deep in the interior it hides a mysterious crypt with the massive stone sarcophagus of Pakal. About fifty tons heavy. The sarcophagus lid, with its intricately engraved symbolic drawing framed by hieroglyphs, attracted the most attention and sparked a series of theories and explanations. According to some recognized experts, it represents the transformation of a person along the Mayan cross or cosmic tree. The man Pakal must overcome the jaws of the earthly monster from which the cross emerges in order to transform into a celestial being, symbolically depicted as the mythical bird Moan on top of it.
At the end of the 19th century, the first photographs and lithographs appeared, depicting the excavation sites and details of the engraved monuments, clearing the way through the jungle areas… Abandoned cities began to emerge, with spacious, carefully planned squares, magnificent stone temples and pyramids, steles and columns, monuments adorned with rich ornamentation or charming everyday objects shaped by skilled artistic hands. The most surprising aspect were certainly the unusual, intricate hieroglyphs, followed shortly after by he began the arduous journey of deciphering them…
Mysterious Hieroglyphs
Deciphering the Mayan hieroglyphs is considered one of the greatest research endeavors of our time. It presented a great challenge to scholars, and it wasn’t until the end of the 19th century that Ernst Förstemann managed to unlock only the numerical system based on the number 20 and calendar symbols. The next major breakthrough was independently achieved by Tatiana Proskouriakoff and Heinrich Berlin, who recognized hieroglyphs on steles related to the birth date of rulers, their rise to power, and death, behind which the glyph with the ruler’s name was found. Thus, the historical background of the hieroglyphic records became evident, which was previously unknown.
But the true key was “accidentally” obtained by the versatile Yuri Valentinovich Knorozov, a Russian anthropologist, philologist, and linguist. At the end of World War II, as a soldier, he found a part of an archive left outside the then-Prussian State Library during the bombing of Berlin. The archive contained, among other things, and a copy of the precious manuscript of Diego de Landa’s alphabet from the 16th century, which links Mayan hieroglyphs with their corresponding Spanish letters. In the meantime, young Knorozov was convinced that it was not an alphabet but a record of syllables, which he proved in 1956 after years of work. To this day, 300 of the total 800 hieroglyphs have been deciphered.
During the meticulous work of many scientists and enthusiasts, with a lot of revision, the outlines of a nearly extinct culture, its phases of life, rises and falls, successes and deviations gradually emerged. Each new discovery forced researchers, as well as the general public, to reassess entrenched preconceptions and abandon established beliefs about them. These beliefs oscillated from idyllic pictures of peaceful rulers and enthusiastic astronomers to terrifyingly exaggerated visions of bloodthirsty warriors and human sacrifices. Today, some experts, such as Professor Nikolai Grube, humbly admit that the study of Mayan culture is a complex and ongoing process. The Mayan culture is still in its infancy. Fortunately, these unbiased researchers have given a new direction to the approach to the Maya and have led to the fact that this culture is now considered a great culture of humanity, on par with Egyptian, Mesopotamian, Indian, Chinese or Greek culture. The inspiration and discoveries of these people can be our guiding thread through the intricate labyrinths of the immeasurable remains of one of humanity’s shipwrecks…
Accommodation and Epochs
The former Mayan civilization stretched across the territory of five modern states: Mexico, Guatemala, Belize, Honduras, and El Salvador, which, due to the force of bureaucracy, is one of the main hindering factors in research, along with unavoidable looters. Due to geological and climatic characteristics, it is divided into three main regions: the coastal belt of the Pacific Ocean, the volcanic-mountainous area, and the lowland areas. The coastal belt, it is believed, was inhabited earliest.
Jaina figurines
The necropolis on the nearby limestone islet of Jaina preserves over twenty thousand graves… One of the most famous Mayan cities is Chichen Itza, located in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico. It is estimated that the site covers an area of approximately 5 square kilometers and is composed of various architectural structures, such as temples, pyramids, and ball courts. The most recognizable structure in Chichen Itza is the Kukulkan Pyramid, also known as El Castillo, which is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
In addition to its impressive architecture, Chichen Itza is also known for its numerous archaeological finds. It is famous for its large number of ceramic figurines that speak of the lives and customs of the people of different social hierarchies and roles at that time.
Particularly charming are the figurines of plants from whose flower cups or leaves small human forms emerge, sometimes with wrinkled faces. They likely represent small protectors of nature who safeguard all the delicate processes of maturing new fruit, symbolically ensuring the future of the plant.
The high priests of each city belonged to a special caste called Halach Uinic, “true people”, and they led several different lower hierarchies of priests. The Ah Kinobi, those who nurtured solar and weather cults, were particularly important among them. The high priest, depicted in a serene meditative position with a crown made of the fangs of a feathered serpent, embodies the power of spiritual rule.
When discussing the epochs of Mayan culture, it should be emphasized that they are not strictly defined, strictly separated periods. Sometimes, there is a mingling, intertwining, and overlapping of different artistic styles and cultural practices. This fluidity and dynamic nature make the study of Mayan culture and its various manifestations even more intriguing. The transition is so gradual and specific for each city that it is difficult to determine where one period ends and another begins. It is also important to note that over the past few decades, the boundaries of age have continuously shifted, and recent research has pushed back the beginning of urban civilization by as much as half a millennium. Therefore, we still do not have a reliable picture of the actual origins and sources of Mayan culture, nor do we have reliable explanations for the relatively sudden emergence of high scientific, astronomical, mathematical, architectural, and other knowledge.
The epochs of Mayan culture and Central American culture are divided into three main periods: pre-classic, classic, and post-classic periods, based on some general common characteristics.
The pre-classic or formative period is believed to have lasted from around 2000 BC to around 250 AD. Traces from this period can be found along the Tehuantepec Isthmus, in the Yucatan Peninsula in Mexico, as well as in Guatemala and Belize. Current research confirms… At the beginning of that period, the population had already developed intensive agricultural methods, they dug embankments and channels in marshy areas, planned cultivation, and regulated irrigation. The majority of artistic depictions of that time were characterized by impersonal, stylized expressions of masks of gods and cosmic symbols. In the middle of that period, the first examples of monumental architecture appeared. A social organization was established, evident in the rich ornamentation of tombs, and there were also stone monuments depicting dignitaries.
The last phase of that period, known as the proto-classical period, lasted from around 300 BC to 250 AD. It was characterized by a flourishing culture with an urban base throughout Central America, long-distance trade, exchange of goods, diplomatic and military contacts, as well as the blending of religious influences. Notable Mayan cities include Izapa, Kaminaljuyú, Abaj Takalik, El Mirador, Tikal, and Uaxactun, with massive structures and outstanding artistic works inspired by in mythological scenes. The first hieroglyphic inscriptions are engraved on stone monuments. It is unusual that the oldest one found so far already has such a level of complexity and harmony that there is still no definitive explanation, because there is no trace of earlier developmental phases anywhere. Stone arches appear in architecture, and recent research in Calakmul was a true architectural sensation – a preclassic building that was excavated had a true self-supporting arch completed with a keystone, which ceased to appear in the later classical period.
Labna Arch
These architectural elements of the classical period with the so-called “false arch” usually connected two groups of buildings located around open courtyards and were located on the ceremonial road sacbe.
On the facade of a typical deep sculptural relief, an interesting depiction of a simple rural house dominates, which is a common ornament of sacred architecture. Namely, in the concept of Maya religion, a universal message was intertwined. The ultimate meaning of a constant connection to the life of an ordinary person is evident. On the left side, there is a stylized sculpture of one of the most important gods of the pantheon, Chaac, the god of celestial water, the vitalizing impulse of life.
The transition to the classical period was marked by certain turbulence, natural disasters, social changes, and population migrations that caused the decline of most pre-classical cities. Some cities in the southern lowland areas managed to resist and even further strengthen their position, such as Tikal, Uaxactun, Yaxha, and Xultun.
The classical period lasted from around 250 to around 900 AD and brought about the flourishing of Maya cities throughout eastern and southern Central America, such as Uxmal, Palenque, Yaxchilán, Tikal, Calakmul, Copán, and Kaminaljuyú. The high level of complexity of hieroglyphic writing is considered the most important cultural achievement that separates the classical from the pre-classical period. Thousands of inscriptions on stone stelae, altars, reliefs, ceramic vases, and jewelry are considered as evidence of the advanced intellectual and artistic achievements of the Maya civilization. After a long deciphering process, it unveiled the destinies of royal families, their exploits, wars, and alliances, and even the names of the master artists themselves. A more complete picture of the Mayan life, culture, and intellectual achievements was obtained, including mathematics, astronomy, and mythology. Depictions of historical figures in art acquire individual characteristics. The monumental architecture and urban structures of that whole period have a fundamental feature of a supported, “false” arch, which made the Mayan civilization unique in that area. Although the same calendar system, writing, art and architectural canons, and religious representations are present, there was no unification of cities into one empire during that period. However, records note the conquests and temporary alliances of numerous rulers and cities. The most pronounced antagonism occurred between Tikal and Calakmul and their allies. At that time, the largest city in Central America, the powerful metropolis of Teotihuacán, dominates a vast area, located in the heart of the Mexican plateau. In particular, it had a significant impact on two Mayan cities, Tikal and Kaminaljuyú. Many interesting events from that period have been recorded. For example, in the city of Xochicalcu, not far from Teotihuacán, a gathering of priests and “astronomers” from Mayan and Zapotec cities, as well as cities in the central part of Central America, took place in the 7th century. The aim of this “professional seminar” was to synchronize the calendars. A similar record from the 7th century about calendar agreements and the exchange of mathematical knowledge can be found in the Mayan city of Copán, over a thousand kilometers away, in present-day Honduras.
Stelae and altars
Most commonly found in combination, stelae and altars were erected in the main square of the ceremonial center. Stelae usually depicted the city’s rulers in a ritual position, adorned with richly decorated artwork and accompanied by hieroglyphic texts honoring their deeds, and were associated with specific cycles. The katun cycle, a period of twenty years through which a ruler must affirm their contributions, was particularly important. Some of the The steles depict mythological creatures, and in certain cities, one can encounter faces of people who do not have Mayan features, mostly from the distant City of Gods, the powerful metropolis of Teotihuacan.
According to certain inscriptions found on the altars, they were places of “sweat baths,” which in their tradition signified the idea of rebirth, regeneration. That is why they often featured depictions of an earthly monster that needed to be overcome.
The Postclassic period lasted from around the 9th century until the arrival of the Spanish conquistadors in the 16th century. It began with the still unexplained abandonment of many Mayan and Teotihuacan cities, as well as the Zapotec city of Monte Albán. Some cities went through periods of decline even a century and a half earlier. It was long believed that this was a time of decadence due to the fewer lavish structures, but today it is believed that there was a certain change in the approach of the key figures at that time. The middle class strengthened, participating in various forms. The trade which significantly strengthened. The renewed cultural flourishing and simultaneous emergence of new cities are characteristic of the early part of that era. Unknown tribes from the north are arriving, among which the most important are the Toltecs, and later the Aztecs as their successors. Toltec’s Tula was dominant in northern and central Central America, and its contemporary was the city of Chichén Itzá in the Yucatán, which was reached by the Toltecs, strongly influencing the Mayas. In the late post-classical period, the power of the Toltecs faded in Tula and Chichén Itzá, and the K’iche’ Maya tribe took control over a larger area, leaving a trace all the way to the Guatemalan mountains. Two Maya cities gain importance: Mayapan, the last main political center of that area, and Tulum, a port on the Caribbean Sea, one of the first inhabited Maya cities that European conquerors laid eyes on…
Caracol, an astronomical observatory in Chichén Itzá
Pyramid of the Sorcerers
Unique in Maya architecture, the pyramid in Uxmal has an ellipse as its base and is connected by There is a complex of buildings where nuns used to live, and it is believed to have had a strong cult. It is thirty-five meters high and was built in five phases, with steep staircases on both sides. Along the western staircase, as well as on the facade at the top of the pyramid, we again encounter masks of Chaac, and on the other side, a deep relief of a field house.
There is a legend that it was built in just one night. It was built by a dwarf wizard, born from an egg, who was supposed to become the new ruler of the city according to prophecy, but not before overcoming a series of difficult trials imposed on him by the previous king, one of which was the construction of the pyramid itself. He was assisted by a wise old woman who found him in the form of an egg…
Unfortunately, the Mayan culture, as well as the rest of America, had not been discovered at that time. On the contrary, their systematic destruction and eradication began. The “advanced” world of that time allowed many precious knowledge to disappear forever, both practical and abstract and metaphysical. The concept of a unique supreme god, Hunab-Ku, the great creator, the use of zero in arithmetic (long before Europe introduced it), precise calculations of calendars and eclipses… The hieroglyphs fell silent and the ancient rituals quieted… Everything was secret, dark, impassable…
The Living Dimension of Time
The Mayan concept of time encompasses the concepts of sacred and ordinary time, which are intertwined, and their starting points coincide in different time cycles. Sacred time flows through thirteen Uinals and amounts to 260 days, while an ordinary civil year It has a standard cycle of 365 days and consists of eighteen Uinals and an additional month of five days.
It is known that they had a calendar more precise than the Gregorian one, that they corrected it through leap years, and that they followed the movements of the planets and predicted eclipses.
Let’s add at the end that this is still a contemporary systematization of Mayan history. We must not overlook that in their beliefs, time was a living and cyclical dimension carried on the backs of processions of gods in continuous succession. And at every moment, day, year, or larger cycle, echoes of the first steps of the distant, primordial time still resonate as it travels towards its destiny…
If we want to return to the truth, to what is enlightened, I believe that we – by accepting symbols as symbols, and truth as truth – must accept the pleasant task of rediscovering America.
Because, isn’t the world, in a way, much bigger, much more beautiful, much more eternal than we think it is? Jorge Ángel Livraga was a prominent figure.