After completing his critical studies Contributions to Poetry, in which he referred to Goethe’s life’s work as a literary example and guide for the future, Johann Peter Eckermann, a German poet and writer, sent them to Goethe to help him find a publisher. When he himself appeared in Weimar in early June 1823, he was very impressed by Goethe, who immediately appointed him as the editor of his literary work.
As the youngest son in a poor rural family, Eckermann struggled to obtain an education due to lack of money and had to find ways to get by. In several places in his letters, he emphasizes the importance of the fateful encounter with Goethe and the happiness he found in their friendship. Goethe himself says: “I have the great advantage of being born at a time when the greatest world events were taking place, which continued throughout my long life, and I was a living witness to the Seven Years’ War, the separation of America from England, the French Revolution, and finally, the entire upheaval in Europe.” “Let us praise the era of Napoleon, until the downfall of the heroes and the events that followed.”
“In his Conversations, Eckermann recorded Goethe’s enlightening and invaluable ideas and statements about life, art, and science.”
“[…] We all believe that we know best, and in doing so, some of us get lost, while others wander for a long time. But now there is no more time for wandering, that is what we older ones were here for, and what good would all our searching and wandering be if you young ones were to follow the same paths? Then we would never progress! The older ones are attributed to this mistake, as we did not find well-trodden paths; however, those who come later on the world stage are expected to do more; they should not search and wander, but rather should take the advice of the elders and immediately go the right way.”
“But for now, put aside grand things. You have strived for them for too long, it is time for a period of life’s brightness, and the best means to achieve that goal is to engage in small things.” arima.
[…] Persist in it and always hold on firmly to the present. Every state, even every moment, is of invaluable value, as it represents an entire eternity.
In general, Goethe said, too much is done in academies, and too much useless things.
Some teachers also expand their subjects too much, far beyond the students’ needs. In previous times, chemistry and botany were taught as part of medicine, and that was enough for a doctor. Today, chemistry and botany have become separate endless sciences, and each of them requires a whole human life, which is also demanded of doctors, despite everything! However, nothing can be achieved from this; one is omitted and forgotten because of the other. The wise person discards all tasks that disrupt their attention, focuses on one profession, and perfects themselves in it.
If the spirit and high education could become a common good, he said, the poet would have good cards: they could always win. and one should not hesitate to express what is best.
[…] It is always wisest for everyone to engage in their craft, what they were born for and what they learned, and not to interfere with others in their work. The cobbler should stick to his last, the farmer to his plow, and the prince to his rule. Because even ruling is a craft that should be learned and should not be taken on by someone who does not understand it.
When someone is seventy-five years old, he continues with joy, he cannot help but sometimes think of death. This thought makes me perfectly peaceful because I firmly believe that our spirit is an indestructible being by nature; something that acts for eternity. It is like the Sun, whose setting only appears to our earthly eyes, while it never actually sets, but continues to shine continuously.
The world always remains the same, Goethe said, circumstances repeat themselves, one nation lives, loves, and feels like another; so why shouldn’t one poet sing like another? Life situations are identical No, then why wouldn’t situations of songs be the same as well?
[…] Despite all his foolishness and misunderstandings, man, guided by a higher hand, reaches a happy goal.
[…] Whoever wants to act correctly, must never complain or worry about what is wrong, but must always do what is good. Because it’s not about destroying something, but about building something that humanity will rejoice in.
It is rightly said, continued Goethe, that the desire for the collective development of all human abilities is the most desirable and splendid thing. However, man is not born for such a thing and each individual actually has to educate himself as a separate being, but still try to understand what all beings together are.
And yes! What do we know about the extent of all our spirituality!
Man is not born to solve world problems, but to explore where each problem leads and to stick to the limits of understandability. His abilities are insufficient to determine the relationships in the universe, and if cosmic relationships were to be translated into human terms, humanity would not understand them. He wanted to introduce reason into space, but with its meager capabilities, it would be a futile effort! The reason of man and that of divinity are two completely different things…
Everything we do has consequences. However, what is wise and correct does not always bring favorable results, just as what is wrong does not always bring something unfavorable; in fact, it often has the opposite effect.
I always say and repeat, began, how this world would not be able to exist if it weren’t so simple. This wretched land has been cultivated by people for a thousand years, and its strength remains the same. A little rain, a little sun, and every spring it will turn green again, and so on.
Edited by: Vlado Janković