to Mađarsku, gdje je izradio nekoliko značajnih skulptura za katedralu u Pečuhu. Među njima su bili kipovi sv. Petra i sv. Pavla, kao i ispovjedaonica koja se i danas može vidjeti u toj katedrali.
Duknovićeva djela obilježena su iznimnom vještinom u oblikovanju i detaljima. Njegove skulpture karakteriziraju izražajni izrazi lica i pokreti tijela, koji su dali njegovim likovima živahnu prisutnost. Njegove skulpture ostavljaju dojam stvarnosti i prirodne elegancije.
Ivan Duknović ostao je zapamćen kao jedan od najznačajnijih kipara svoje ere, čija djela i danas oduševljavaju svojom ljepotom i talentom.
He was invited to Hungary by the local king, Matthias Corvinus, where he worked as the royal sculptor on the decoration of the Royal Palace. Due to his contribution in spreading the spirit of the Italian Renaissance to the Danube, he was given a noble title.
Although he worked abroad, he maintained connections with his homeland the entire time. He created two statues (St. John and St. Thomas) for the chapel of the patron saint of Trogir, as well as the eastern portal of the Ćipiko Palace with an imaginative angel (putto) bearer sculpture. These works are considered the best examples of mature Renaissance sculpture in our region.
His work is characterized by energy and liveliness, and the faces of his sculptures radiate psychological believability. He does not depict the faces of saints idealistically, but imbues them with realism, giving them the features of portraits.
He is also recognizable for his way of shaping fabric – ethereal, shaped by the wind, with numerous folds and small triangular creases that cascade down the body – where he almost reaches the level of ancient models.
His works are now preserved in the Louvre and the Vatican Museums. However, in his hometown of Trogir, a permanent exhibition of his works has recently been displayed in the Trogir City Museum.