Heavenly Disk from Nebre

It contains an image related to the title of Heavenly Disk from Nebre

Where was the oldest astronomical depiction of the sky found? Just a few years ago, even experts would have guessed that it was India, Egypt, or Mesopotamia, but it is possible that the answer is: Germany. The so-called Neben’s disc is a crucial discovery for European prehistory, the history of astronomy, and early religious history. … Read more

Istrian Newgrange

Based on what is this tumulus placed in the Bronze Age, i.e. in the 2nd millennium BC? What was its original function, considering that it is located in a quarry? What is being said about him as an observatory, tomb, and sanctuary? It is about a tomb under a stone tumulus, and it is a … Read more

Elfantina – the city of countless eras

Elephantine is the largest island in the Aswan area, almost a thousand kilometers away from the great pyramids on the Giza plateau. It is also one of the oldest Egyptian cities with remains dating back to the Predynastic period, more than five thousand years old. The current name of the city, Elephantine, means “City of … Read more

Egyptian Temple

An avenue of 40 rams in front of the facade of the great Temple of Amun in Karnak. In front of this avenue, there used to be the “old pier”, a pool for ritual boats, one of which was 30 meters long. The pool was connected to the Nile by a canal. The facade of … Read more

Faced with disaster

As the end of the century approaches, catastrophism, it seems, is gaining more and more momentum; we are faced with genuine fatalism that drains energy and the possibility for events to unfold in an appropriate manner. It is not the first time in history that people feel helpless in resolving what troubles them, and although … Read more