Vandana Shiva

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“I slept and dreamt that life was joy. I woke up and saw that life is service.” – Rabindranath Tagore Vandana Shiva (1953-present) Indian philosopher, environmental activist, and author of several books, including “Water Wars” and “Biopiracy,” which have been translated into Croatian. She obtained her PhD in physics in Canada, and her interest in … Read more

Martial Arts of Ancient India

One of the great cradles of martial arts is ancient India. Already in the oldest Indian epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata, we read that young people were expected to be well-versed and skilled in military strategy, archery, wrestling, and other forms of these arts. Thus, the Mahabharata narrates: Two of Drona’s disciples, Duryodhana and … Read more

Ahimsa – The Idea of Nonviolence

Using a spinning wheel for cotton processing, Gandhi advocated for the revival of traditional Indian crafts and the economic independence of villages. Sabarmati, also known as Gandhi’s ashram, Harijan ashram, or satyagraha ashram, is located in the outskirts of Ahmadabad, on the western bank of the Sabarmati river. The ashram was founded at this location … Read more