When anger grows

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A merchant owed money to a samurai. Since he had violated the agreed deadline for repaying the debt several times, the samurai drew his sword to kill him. The merchant, resigning himself to his fate, looked the samurai in the eyes, bowed, and calmly said, “You may freely kill me, but before you do, it … Read more

Aesop’s Fables: The Peasant and His Sons – The Old Man and Death

THE FARMER AND HIS SONS A farmer had quarrelsome sons. Although he had admonished them many times, he could not persuade them with words to change. He then came up with a plan: he ordered them to bring him a bundle of sticks. When they did as they were told, he handed them all the … Read more

The noble spirit of competition

The Olympic Games are always an opportunity to reconnect with the spirit of this most significant sports event, which once had a different purpose than it does today. There is still debate about when they originated, although the majority of historical sources agree that the first Olympic Games of the ancient world were held in … Read more