Acceptance of our differences and ourselves

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We are all different. This statement may seem obvious, but often the most obvious statements need to be questioned and explored the most, precisely because we question them the least. Although we all share the essential experience of being human, each of us filters that experience through our own characteristics, prior knowledge and experience, and … Read more

Death of the Family, Freedom of the Individual?

Is it possible to have a society without community, without some kind of family? Will the traditional family disappear and be replaced by some other form of community? To find the answer, we first need to reexamine what family is and whether it has always meant what we understand by that term today. With the … Read more

Ethics in Journalism

Interview with Anant Goenka, Executive Director of the Indian Express Group What is the main ethical obligation of the press? Is it not to seek the truth, real facts, and present them as objectively as possible? However, facts alone are not the whole truth. Taking into account the facts, it is necessary to understand the … Read more