Greek colonization

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tionima, kao što su Olimpijske igre i druge javne manifestacije. To je doprinijelo širenju kulture, ideja i znanja među Helencima. Unatoč političkim i teritorijalnim podjelama, Grci su se osjećali dio iste civilizacije i dijelili iste vrijednosti. Mikenska kultura je nestala s dolaskom Dorana, ali njezino nasljeđe i utjecaj ostali su vidljivi u grčkoj umjetnosti, arhitekturi … Read more

Aenona – the largest Roman temple on the eastern Adriatic coast

On a small sandy spit about 500 meters long and 4 meters above sea level, the city of Aenona developed in the early Iron Age, from which Nin, the city of Prince Branimir, King Peter Krešimir IV, and Gregory of Nin later emerged… The Liburnians settled there in the 9th century BC. Greek influence can … Read more

Archytas of Tarentum – philosopher and ruler

Prominent Greek philosopher and ruler, Architas of Tarentum, operated in the first half of the 4th century BC in the former Magna Graecia in southern Italy. He was a representative of the Pythagorean philosophical school and a contemporary of Plato. The teachings and ideas of the Pythagoreans were passed down through Architas, as one link … Read more