Homer’s Troy

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Like the ruins of the city named Troy lay dormant under layers of earth, so did the epics Iliad and Odyssey, along with many other epics and songs, become forgotten with the decline of ancient culture, waiting for a rebirth. This rebirth happened during the Renaissance, when there was a renewed interest in all things … Read more

Hidden Power of Bribery

The Enlightenment of the 18th century and positivism of the 19th century will be characterized by the flourishing of science and the general dominance of rational interpretation over intuitive perception of reality. As a result, mythology will be almost completely neglected. For an educated person in Western culture, myths were nothing more than beautiful stories … Read more

About Music

First of all, the interesting thing about his biography is in an inversely proportional relationship with the value of his work. Historians have, true, so meticulously and systematically investigated Bach’s life that today all the circumstances of his manuscripts, dates of his concert performances, trajectories of his movements, the amount of his earnings, his illnesses, … Read more