Lakota Shaman – Lame Deer

It contains an image related to the title of Lakota Shaman - Lame Deer

mpovjerenja nije mu donosio zadovoljstvo, i tako je odlučio vratiti se svojim korijenima i potražiti duhovnu smisao u svojoj indijanskoj kulturi. Kao šaman, Hromi Jelen je bio povezan s prirodom i duhovnim svijetom. Vjerovao je da je priroda živa i da svaka stvar i biće ima svoju svrhu. Kroz promatranje prirode i simbola koje je … Read more

How were the names of planets formed?

Man has always gazed at the sky, drawn by the beauty of its dark blue depths and infinity. The mysterious movements of stars and planets have led him to observe and study the laws of their motion since ancient times. Mercury Venus Earth Mars Jupiter Saturn Uranus Neptune Pluto – dwarf planet Although Hipparchus was … Read more

Egyptian Tarot

The Egyptian civilization was exceptional in every way. Herodotus writes: “Everything there is different.” And indeed, Egypt has always been associated with mystery and enigma. The Egyptians were believed to have knowledge of hidden forces of nature and knowledge that surpasses our understanding today. Every form of magic (however we imagine it!) is connected to … Read more

The Mysterious Yggdrasil

One old Nordic song, Voluspa or Vision of the Prophetess (written in the 12th century), speaks about the birth and life of the universe, as well as its end. At the very beginning, when the prophetess mentions a time when there was no land, sea, or sky – only the primal void from which everything … Read more