Art and Creation

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Unfortunately, in a large part of society today, aesthetic sensitivity has been reduced to something secondary and insignificant. This presence is so strong that a materialistically inclined individual will, blinded by their own ignorance, not notice the beauty expressed in an artwork, nor the message contained within it, but instead its market value, or the … Read more

Body and Soul of Beauty

An artist knows that beauty creates an atmosphere that contributes to elevating a person from an animal state to a humane being. However, the beauty of form must not be empty, hollow, as the power of beauty can be used for seduction, for masking weaknesses or corruption of character in a world that only indulges … Read more

Medieval Aesthetics

The title of this article originates from Umberto Eco’s book, an Italian philosopher, essayist, literature professor, and writer, best known for the medieval detective novel “The Name of the Rose,” which was adapted into a film starring Sean Connery. In this book, Eco introduces us to a culture that is very different from our own. … Read more