Greek colonization

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tionima, kao što su Olimpijske igre i druge javne manifestacije. To je doprinijelo širenju kulture, ideja i znanja među Helencima. Unatoč političkim i teritorijalnim podjelama, Grci su se osjećali dio iste civilizacije i dijelili iste vrijednosti. Mikenska kultura je nestala s dolaskom Dorana, ali njezino nasljeđe i utjecaj ostali su vidljivi u grčkoj umjetnosti, arhitekturi … Read more

Ritual fragrance

Everything that is not written or preserved through oral tradition is forgotten. How many cities, works of art, beliefs, and ancient languages have disappeared from our historical memory! If we return to the distant past through various traces that are rarely preserved today, exploring the history of scent use and its importance in both sacred … Read more

Is there free will?

The question of free will is one of the oldest and most enduring questions faced by humanity. It was contemplated by the ancient Greeks in their tragedies, such as in King Oedipus, where it appears that the hero’s fate is predetermined, regardless of his efforts to prevent or change it. The Greeks, and their cultural … Read more

Living Conditions

Another year has passed leaving many wishes and efforts unfulfilled. The acceleration of time continues, and with it, individuals, society, and the world rush tirelessly, thinking that they will solve their problems if they keep up with time. However, the story usually doesn’t end that way because as soon as one goal is achieved, the … Read more