
It contains an image related to the title of Obsidian

Thermal processes occurring deep inside the Earth manifest on the surface through volcanoes. Volcanoes, due to their terrifying destructive power, have found their place in the myths of many ancient peoples, so the very name “volcano” is associated with the name of the Roman god of fire. Volcanic eruptions bring valuable minerals to the surface, … Read more

Nezakcij – the city throughout the centuries

And cities have destinies just like people… Apian of Alexandria (95-165) Nesactium was the main center of the Illyrian tribe Histri, after which Istria is named. The Histri are mentioned for the first time in the work “Periegesis” by the Greek geographer Hecataeus from the 6th century BC, which provides the oldest description of the … Read more

Hellenistic world

The Hellenistic period in history began with the conquests of Alexander the Great in 334 BC and was a time of military and political domination of the Greek Macedonians in the Mediterranean and the Near and Middle East. The political domination of the Macedonians over other peoples from Egypt and Syria to India was accompanied … Read more