Untouchable Beauty

It contains an image related to the title of Untouchable Beauty

Let’s try to unveil the beauty a little bit. Aesthetics, as the science of art and beauty, is a relatively new term that has been used since Kant and Hegel, although it’s actually older. It is a traditional philosophical discipline, a quest and dedication to studying art as a relationship with the divine, beauty, truth, … Read more


The Flute of Infinity plays incessantly, and its sound is the sound of love. When love discards all limitations, it draws closer to truth. Its fragrance spreads far and wide! It has no end, nothing stands in its way. The shape of this music shines like thousands of suns: no other music can be compared … Read more

Hafiz – In Search of the Sublime

When Hafiz was once asked: Who is a poet?, he replied: A poet is someone who is capable of pouring light into a glass, then raising it and quenching your beautiful dry, sacred mouth. Iranian poet Shamsuddin Muhammad (around 1320 – 1389), better known by his nickname, Hafiz, which in Arabic means the one who … Read more

Temples of India

The Indian Hindu temple is a reflection of millennia of cultural development, deep religiosity and mysticism, art that captivates with its beauty, and science that reveals a profound understanding of natural laws. Tens of thousands of temples on the Indian subcontinent convey scenes from the great epics of the Mahabharata and Ramayana, the fables of … Read more


There was a beautiful orchard, full of trees and fruit, grapevines and greenery. In it sat a Sufi with closed eyes, with his head on his knees, deeply immersed in meditation. “Why,” they asked him, “do you not look at the signs of God that the Merciful One has scattered around you and that He … Read more

Rumi’s Path

Sufism is one of the spiritual paths that emphasizes the mystical aspect of Islamic teachings. The word comes from the Arabic word “sufi” which means mystic, and is derived from the word “suf” meaning “wool”, which is likely related to the woolen clothing worn by the early dervishes. Sufism can also be associated with the … Read more

Carl Gustav Jung – On Becoming a Personality

The Swiss psychiatrist Carl Gustav Jung is considered the founder of analytical psychology, whose interest did not stop at theoretical psychology and clinical practice, but extended to alchemy, mysticism, Eastern and Western philosophy, astrology, and many other areas that could provide answers to questions about the meaning of human existence. Because of this, the life … Read more

What does God actually do?

“Some say, ‘Everything!’ Others say, ‘Nothing!’ Nietzsche said, ‘He is dead!’ Atheists say, ‘He doesn’t exist at all!’ Perhaps the question should be posed in a different way: not, what does God do, but rather what does He do with us? I tried to find Him on the cross of Christians, but He wasn’t there. … Read more

Meister Eckhart

“When God looks at a creature, He gives it existence; When a creature looks at God, it gains its existence. The soul has a rational, knowing existence; Therefore, where God is, there is the soul, and where the soul is, there is God.” Meister Eckhart was born around 1260 in the small village of Hochheim … Read more

About Music

First of all, the interesting thing about his biography is in an inversely proportional relationship with the value of his work. Historians have, true, so meticulously and systematically investigated Bach’s life that today all the circumstances of his manuscripts, dates of his concert performances, trajectories of his movements, the amount of his earnings, his illnesses, … Read more