The Magnificent Nile

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“The knot, a symbol of Hapi, represents the union of Upper and Lower Egypt. Relief from the temple in Luxor. Hapi offers sacrificial offerings. The temple of Ramses II in Abydos. The ancient Egyptians did not concern themselves with this because for them, the Nile was a reflection of the celestial river that traveled through … Read more


The bronze statue of Ares Dionysus, a museum near Paris Western civilization is most familiar with it thanks to the Cretan labyrinth from the ancient myth of Theseus, the Minotaur, and Ariadne. However, this symbol in the form of buildings, stone mazes, drawings, and reliefs can also be found in Egypt, India, Mexico, Ireland, Scandinavia, … Read more

Myth of Osiris

This is a universal myth that relates to the immortality of the soul and the existence of a cosmic destiny in which man should consciously and actively participate. The ancient Egyptian religion is one of the most comprehensive and best-known religions today, although this knowledge is superficial. However, since every historical moment has different symbolism … Read more