Art and Beauty

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Art represents an exciting world to contemplate, with a plethora of nuances, suggestive and simultaneously profound, yet due to its nature, this world is difficult to grasp from a rational and logical perspective. What to say to someone who excitedly observes the work of the sculptor Antonio Canova, elevated by the sound of a flute … Read more

Rudyard Kipling and the Law of the Jungle

Experiences gained before puberty are deeply ingrained in our personality and stay with us for a lifetime, while imagination and dreams are the invisible fabric of our being and often the main drivers of our actions. That is why children’s literature plays a significant role in shaping character and attitudes towards value systems. Great writers … Read more


Mandalas, as complex symbols, originated in the cultural tradition of tantric Buddhism, but the fundamental idea of the mandala is not solely limited to the Far East. It is present in the architecture, art, and philosophy of all cultures throughout human history, making the concept of connecting the divine and human worlds into a harmonious … Read more

Rise Towards the Inner Summit

“Adopt the rhythm of nature: patience is its secret.” Ralph Waldo Emerson “Nature always awakens in us a sense of awe and admiration with its unparalleled beauty, mysterious principles, and enigmatic laws that govern the universe.” “For ancient Greek philosophers, especially the pre-Socratics, it is said that they lived with a deep sense of this … Read more

Modern Narcissus

uch a widespread use of digital technologies has seemingly enabled greater connectivity among people, but at the same time, it has facilitated the emergence of the modern Narcissus, a self-centered individual who is dependent on their smartphone and the opinions of others. How can we rid ourselves of these illusions? The figure of Narcissus comes … Read more

What makes an adventure an adventure?

The world is waiting, it’s summer, let’s embark on an adventure! In those moments, we can’t wait to finally step out of our usual environment, preferably for a longer period of time or at least for an extended weekend or two… But why do we want to get away from home, even if only briefly? … Read more

Philosophy of Art in the Renaissance

Beauty of the world is the shine of God’s face. Art is the field where the cultural change of the Renaissance is most evident. We can observe a complete renewal of the main arts, which we still today refer to as the fine arts, including painting, sculpture, and architecture. If we stay in Italy, Leonardo … Read more

Philosophy in Ancient Egypt

It is commonly believed that the Egyptians did not have philosophy and that philosophy began with the ancient Greeks. However, some of the greatest Greek philosophers, including Thales, Pythagoras, and Plato, have stated that they owe much of their knowledge and ideas to the Egyptian sages. For example, Plato spent thirteen years studying under Egyptian … Read more

Eclecticism – in search of truth

Eclecticism is the philosophical stance that, without prior opposition, analysis, and consideration of things, compares and relates them in order to find the best, with the goal of highlighting the one that is most valuable of acceptance. However, this clear and concise definition of truth-seeking is often overlooked in the common use of the term … Read more

Lucius Annaeus Seneca – Letters to a Student

Lucius Annaeus Seneca the Younger is one of the most significant representatives of Roman Stoicism. He was born in the 1st century BC in Roman Cordoba. From an early age, he showed talent. Under the influence of his teachers, famous stoics and pythagoreans of the time, he acquired a broad education and became a respected … Read more