The Phoenix and the Catatumbo Lightning

It contains an image related to the title of The Phoenix and the Catatumbo Lightning

Once upon a time, a female chachatatutua, the smallest and ugliest of all birds, laid three eggs in her nest in the grass. However, every day, while she was away, a magpie would come out of a nearby hole and eat one egg. Two were already gone. Disturbed, Chachatatutu flew to the phoenix to complain … Read more

Conversations with Goethe

After completing his critical studies Contributions to Poetry, in which he referred to Goethe’s life’s work as a literary example and guide for the future, Johann Peter Eckermann, a German poet and writer, sent them to Goethe to help him find a publisher. When he himself appeared in Weimar in early June 1823, he was … Read more


Freedom is one of those words that we commonly consider to be completely positive. Who wouldn’t want to be free? To be free from any form of external force or limitation, free to do whatever you want? But is the concept of freedom really that simple? What if we don’t use our freedom wisely? Imagine … Read more

Crisis in upbringing and education – Part II

Understanding Our Crisis Every teacher knows: in order to provide good instruction, he himself must have a clear understanding of what he is teaching, what the goals and purposes of the instruction are, what the best means and methods for achieving those goals are, and what the abilities and potential of his students are. A … Read more