Key to Victory

At the beginning, it is necessary to make a clear distinction between what we call “success” and what is considered a “victory”.

Success comes through a favorable outcome of something we had an influence on or through actions we have taken in order to achieve a specific goal. But achieving something successfully does not necessarily mean winning.

Success comes through a favorable outcome of something we had an influence on or through actions we have taken in order to achieve a specific goal.

In fact, our whole life consists of victories and defeats, of what we call successes and failures, whose appearance and disappearance constantly alternate in the realm of our consciousness.

Every human being with a certain level of maturity can recognize and accept that they have experienced the taste of both of these experiences through their own life.

Victory is more complex because it does not stem from simple things, but from achieving higher goals by overcoming tougher obstacles.

Victory is more complex because

It does not arise from simple things, but from achieving higher goals through overcoming difficult obstacles. And that is why it naturally relates to life itself, to the most precious good we possess, and it is summed up in the phrase that marks the great goal of a person’s life: “to succeed in life”.

But what does it mean to succeed in life? We live under the belief that it means possessing an enormous amount of various material goods, or that it is the comfort that brings us closer to happiness, without putting in even minimal effort.

From the perspective of a philosopher, it is about reaching the purest and noblest that we are capable of attaining, and is there anything purer than the dreams of our soul? Is there anything nobler than discovering the secrets of life? Most people dream the purest dreams in their childhood: no one dreams of becoming an average person, we all love a life full of adventure, we want to help others, fight against injustice and ignorance. In those idealistic times of our lives, we are like a flower blooming and wanting to… drinking all the light, conquering the highest mountain peaks, and finding the most beautiful valleys.

Perhaps victory resides within ourselves and is expressed as a strength that urges us to pursue our dreams despite setbacks, pain, and the effort required for it.

Why give up all of that? Perhaps winning in life means not betraying our ideals from our youth and ceasing to chase after the illusions of this illusory world, which, once attained, disappear like sand slipping through our fingers.

In order to find the key to victory, we must be brave and know how to love, dare, and truly desire! Because that key is within ourselves, and it depends on each individual whether they will find it.

Perhaps victory resides within ourselves and is expressed as a strength that urges us to pursue our dreams despite setbacks, pain, and the effort required for it. Perhaps winning means jumping over fallen trees that have blocked our path and continuing towards the horizon, farther and farther away.

In order to find the key to victory, we must be h To courage and to desire – truly! Because that key is within ourselves and it depends on each individual whether they will find it. It depends on the boldness to start walking on unknown paths. It depends on a love that troubles cannot extinguish.
If we are attentive enough, we will discover that life shows us a series of doors. And each one has a key with which they are opened. The key to victory is within you.
We must be tense, but healthily tense. It is the point of natural wakefulness that we can summon at any moment and in any situation. It is the tension that keeps us awake enough to discover life’s opportunities and make use of them.
If we are attentive enough, we will discover that life shows us a series of doors. And each one has a key with which they are opened. The key to victory is within you.